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//! A simple library that hides away all the details and gives you a simple message stream to consume.
//! At the moment only AMPQ is supported through lapin, eiffelvis_gen support is planned.
//! # Glosary
//! ```no_run
//! # async {
//! let mut stream = eiffelvis_stream::ampq::AmpqStream::new(
//! "amqp://localhost:5672/%2f".into(),
//! "hello".into(),
//! "eiffelvis".into(),
//! )
//! .await
//! .expect("Failed to connect to ampq server");
//! let message: Option<Vec<u8>> = stream.next().await;
//! # };
//! ```
//! *note: tokio is used as async executor*
/// Provides an event stream from an ampq connection
pub mod ampq;
/// Provides an event stream produced by eiffelvis_gen
pub mod gen;