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Eiffel Event Visualization Stack.

API Built with Rust

API Built with Rust

Rust solves pain points present in many other languages, providing a solid step forward.

Packaged with Docker

Packaged with Docker

With Docker support you can have any component around the web in your website

Visualization with Svelte, G6 and Typescript

Visualization with Svelte, G6 and Typescript

Flexible in creating a highly performant, interactive and scalable user interface.

Designed for Eiffel

Eiffel protocol enables technology agnostic communication for CI/CD ecosystems.
Designed for Eiffel
To learn more about the Eiffel Protocol, visit the Eiffel Community.

Graph Drawing and Rendering using G6

Provides a set of elegant graph visualization solutions with simplicity and convenience.
Graph Drawing and Rendering using G6
To learn more about G6, visit the G6 website.

Getting Started with EiffelVis

Getting Started with EiffelVis
To begin using EiffelVis, please refer to the Getting Started Guide on the repository. It will provide a thorough explanation which includes prerequisites, project installation, and usage instructions.
To download EiffelVis, please visit the Releases page. All future releases will also be available for downloading on this page.